Data Center Solutions

Free Your IT Staff for Business-Critical TasksCorporations increasingly want their IT departments to focus on strengthening business functions and gaining market advantages. But when your staff is spending too much time tending to the needs of your data center, those strategic functions can get pushed aside. While you’re likely to migrate workloads to public, private…

Network Solutions

Stopping the Finger PointingWhen problems pop up on your network, answers can be hard to come by. The circuit provider blames the router manufacturer. The router manufacturer points the finger back at the circuit provider. Meanwhile, your business sits at a standstill with a downed network. Lausey Technology Network Solutions end the blame game. We…

Endpoint Security Services

Lausey Technology Advanced Endpoint ProtectionHackers constantly come up with new cyber attacks to cause trouble or profit from your business’s vulnerabilities. Lausey Technology endpoint security solutions provide multiple layers of effective protection. The antivirus in our Endpoint Management package blocks traditional online threats, while our Anti-Malware as a Service detects and removes today’s more advanced…

Digital Building

Your Digital Foundation Starts With Building AutomationFrom new construction, renovations, or improving a workspace, effective digital transformation starts with modern building technology. The Digital Building leverages three key technologies to deliver savings and efficiencies: Building automation Internet of Things (IoT) Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) The convergence of these technologies reduces upfront costs, simplifies construction, lowers operating expenses,…

IoT Solutions

The Future Is Now: Let Us Simplify Your Adoption of IoT ServicesThe Internet of Things (IoT) is not a futuristic technology. It is here now, driving vast amounts of sensor-driven data and the need for analytics, as well as enabling enormous change in all industries including retail, financial, healthcare, education, cities, and much more. Through…

Cloud Migration

Maximize Your Cloud Investment Most businesses have already started expanding their IT footprint with cloud services; it’s simply a matter of how much, what kind, and when. Managing the cloud-extended environment this creates can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be. SOSGREEN’s cloud experts help you with every stage of your cloud consumption lifecycle…

Innovation Roadmap Solution

Transform Your BusinessDigital transformation initiatives are key to modernizing your business technology. Identifying opportunities for innovation that lead to impactful business outcomes is a challenge. Partner with SOSGREEN to implement the strategic advantage that comes with digital transformation and let us guide your journey from current state analysis and roadmap development to implementation and value…

Design Thinking

Innovate With UsLaunching a new product, service, or revamping your customer experience is a daunting task. How much easier would it be if you had a guide to help you? Design-led companies have outperformed the S&P 500® by 228% over the last 10 years.1 Investing in Design Thinking has given these companies the ability to…

Managed Print Services

Everything That Goes into Meeting Your Business’ Print Demands How effectively are you managing your organization’s print infrastructure? This issue has real financial consequences. After all, Gartner estimates that the cost of print output is typically 1 to 3 percent of a company’s revenue. IDC adds that 23 percent of help desk calls are printer-related, which constitutes…

Endpoint Management

Advanced Endpoint ManagementSOS GREEN Endpoint Management improves endpoint security and gets the latest technology to end-users faster – all while freeing up technology teams to focus on more strategic goals. Our flexible endpoint management services include desktop management, antivirus, mobile device management, and application management, including PC configuration lifecycle management (PCCLM) support and maintenance. Contact…